How to grow up house roses

Rules of leaving and cultivation behind room roses
Kind of we didn't try, but not each species of flowers can be grown up easily in house conditions. Especially the problem is relevant for roses as this species of a plant needs specific leaving and creation of unique conditions for free growth. As a rule, it is possible to grow up houses such grades of roses as poliantny, perniansky and tea and hybrid. They will present you fine aroma and will significantly refresh a home atmosphere, but also it is necessary to look after such roses carefully.Rules of leaving
Right after purchase and sag of seeds of a rose hosts need to organize acceptable conditions of acclimatization for a plant. The pot with a plant needs to be put on the southern window and to make so that the flower initially didn't get oversaturated sunlight.It is necessary to have a flower so that it wasn't in the place with the central heating equipment. It is the best of all to install a pot on a balcony or in any other aired place in the summer, and to establish on a window with the smallest number of heating in the winter. In the location of a flower air temperature shouldn't rise above 17 degrees Celsius, and before a direct wintering it is recommended to cut off a plant so that on branches there were about five-six live kidneys from each party.
Watering and lighting
Room roses not too love excessive amount of moisture so it is recommended to humidify the soil in process of her drying. For watering it is the best of all to use cool or cold flowing water, and to spray a plant liquid with addition of means under the name "Cascade". Also it is necessary to check existence of the withered and dried up sheets, quickly cutting off them.House roses after acclimatization need sunlight so it is the best of all to put a pot with a flower on the southern window where it will receive rather solar ultraviolet. During the summer period the verandah or a balcony will be the optimum place for a rose, at the same time, the flower from a pot can be not taken out.
How and when to replace?
Change of a room rose – a separate subject which needs to be engaged two weeks later after purchase of a flower. When moving to other pot it is impossible to damage the earth lump protecting roots at which there are substances for fertilizer. If to be engaged in independent creation of soil, suitable for roses, then it has to consist of the earth, humus and sand in the ratio 4 to 4 to 1. It is possible to add a few complex fertilizers for preventing of developing of the diseases and harmful microorganisms capable to do harm to a stalk and roots.The most widespread problem for house flowers are wreckers as that ticks and a plant louse.