Zamioculcas cultivation

Zamioculcas not only has an exotic name, but is also able to decorate the interior of any room. Of course, not every grower decides to grow such a whimsical representative of the flora at home, but there are lovers who are not afraid of a call. And in this article we will clarify all the details regarding the care of Zamioculcus in order to achieve its charming flowering for several seasons.
Determining a suitable place for the plant
Zamiokulkas is also called the “money tree", bringing happiness to any home. Accordingly, every year there are more and more people who want to place this plant in their apartment. And to determine the optimal place for it is very simple - just place the pot where there is a large amount of scattered solar ultraviolet radiation. Direct rays of the sun are dangerous for zamioculcas - they can quickly leave burns on the leaves.
In summer, the pot is best placed on an open balcony, terrace or loggia - a large amount of fresh air will contribute to rapid growth. In winter, it is better to bring the plant inside the house, protecting it from drafts and cold air.
The tropical forests of Africa are considered to be the birthplace of Zamioculcas, so he loves the warm atmosphere. Sudden temperature changes will have a detrimental effect on the plant, and as soon as you find that the flower has begun to grow slowly and the leaves have lost their saturation, urgently change the location of the pot.
Watering, temperature and humidity
Zamioculcas is able to grow to an impressive size, which affects the absorption of fluid from the soil by the root system. It is impossible to allow the earthen coma to dry out, but it is also not recommended to oversaturate it with moisture. Immediately after watering, you should empty the pan of excess fluid.
In summer, you can moisten the soil no more than once a day, and in winter the amount of watering is reduced to a minimum. At this time, the plant falls into a state of rest, and the amount of fluid consumed by it is sharply reduced.
In the summer, the optimal temperature in the rooms will be an indicator in the region of 21-25 degrees of heat. In winter, a temperature drop of up to 16 degrees is allowed. With regard to humidity, there are no special requirements, Zamioculcas feels very comfortable with an average value of saturation with air moisture in the range of 50-60%.
A specific feature of the flower, which most attracts gardeners, is the brilliant color of the leaves. This effect must be maintained by wiping the leaves with polish and a soft cloth once a day or two. Removing dust and dirt from the flower will free the pores of the plant, which guarantees high-quality saturation of the leaves with moisture and substances useful for growth.