Growing yucca

Modern flower growers very often confuse yucca with classic home palm. These two plants, without a doubt, are very similar, but, unlike similar varieties of indoor flowers, this representative of the flora does not need constant care. Yucca is very unpretentious, and in the presented material we will try to figure out how to properly care for her.
Choosing the right place in the house
Yucca is able to grow to a colossal size, but only with good lighting in the room. It is not necessary to put it next to the window (this is not very convenient due to the large size of the flower), but diffusion of sunlight into the plant will affect its growth very favorably. The best choice is to grow a room flower in a room located in the western or eastern part of the house.
In summer, the best place for the flowerpot is to be located on an open balcony - so the yucca can be saturated with oxygen, and its flowering will be accompanied by the appearance of a large number of shoots. However, in winter, the plant should be protected from coolness and drafts, otherwise the leaves of the flower will quickly fade and fall off.
It should also be remembered that in winter it is necessary to provide the flower with constant lighting, since a short day will not be able to completely provide him with the necessary amount of ultraviolet radiation. To solve this problem, not too powerful fluorescent lamps that turn on after sunset are perfect.
Dependence of irrigation on temperature and humidity
The answer to the question of how often to water a pot with a yucca lies in the indicator of air temperature in the room. The best indicator for this indoor flower will be air warming in the region from 22 to 25 degrees Celsius - then you will need to moisten the soil no more than twice a day. In winter, when the air temperature drops to around 12-14 degrees, the amount of watering is reduced to once a week. This is due to the fact that the yucca falls into a dormant state and gathers strength before the next flowering period.
It is very dangerous to fill the plant, since its root system is very dependent on this. To prevent decay, a drainage layer of expanded clay should be foreseen in the pot in advance - so the yucca will be able to get rid of excess water without harm to life.
As for air humidity, here we can not pay attention to this indicator. If for other plants the overdried atmosphere is destructive, then the yucca feels great during the heating season. True, the pot should not be placed in close proximity to heating appliances, since even such an unpretentious plant, in this regard, can suffer from excessive heat.