Stromant Care Rules

Stromantha is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. The flower has specific requirements for maintaining an acceptable level of humidity, but otherwise this representative of the flora is not too whimsical. And now we will try to figure out what is the best place to choose for a pot with a stromantha and how often to water it.
Choosing the right place in the house
The lush color of stromanthus leaves is the first sign that the flower receives enough sunlight. If the pot is placed in the shade or partial shade, the plant will lose its saturation and begin to rapidly fade. In summer and spring, it is best to place a stromant on the eastern windowsill of a house where there is a lot of diffused solar ultraviolet radiation. In winter, it is recommended to provide the plant with additional lighting by installing fluorescent light sources.
However, it should be borne in mind that the presence of drafts and temperature differences will also have a detrimental effect on the flower. If you constantly ventilate the room, then for this period it is best to clean the pot in another room in order to protect the flower from death due to the harmful effects of cool or too hot air.
Watering, temperature and humidity
As mentioned above, the stromantha is very demanding on air humidity, and each gardener engaged in its cultivation should maintain this indicator at the level of 70% all year round. Of course, such an activity is very laborious, but, subject to this rule, the flower will delight you with its attractive appearance every day.
As for temperature, the optimal value for the plant will be an indicator from +22 to +26 degrees Celsius. In winter, it is advisable not to lower the temperature in the rooms below 20 degrees Celsius, otherwise the flower will die.
Water quality and number of irrigations are another requirement that homeowners must follow. A large amount of hard water or, conversely, a lack of watering will lead to stromant diseases. Humidify the soil in the pot only when the topsoil dries. Use for watering should be a liquid at room temperature, which was previously sedimented for a day.
Transplantation and reproduction
During the first 3-4 years of life, the plant should be replanted every year, placing the growing stromant in pots several centimeters larger than the previous one. After this period, transplantation can be carried out only once every several years. Before moving the root of the plant, it is manually cleared of the old earth, and in this case, in a new pot, a layer of drainage soil must first be placed so that the stromant can absorb moisture in the right quantities.
You can propagate the flower by cuttings or division of the rhizome. During this procedure, the optimal atmosphere should already be maintained in the room (ideally, the air temperature in the room should not be below +24 degrees Celsius).