Nephrolepis cultivation

The lush crown of nephrolepis can be an excellent decoration of the interior of any apartment. This representative of the fern family is the most popular plant among modern gardeners, and in the presented material we will try to figure out how to properly care for it, achieving active flowering.
Choosing the best place for a flower in the house
When determining the best place for a container with nephrolepis, three main conditions should be considered:
- complete absence of drafts and sharp temperature drops;
- lack of direct sunlight, capable of leaving burns on a flower;
- plenty of fresh air.
Of course, it is far from always possible to observe all of the above rules, but, taking into account the magnificent appearance of this fern, optimal care will allow you to grow a real handsome man in your house that can please even the most fastidious gardener.
Nefrolepis feels equally comfortable, both in a well-lit room and in partial shade. A pot of plants can be placed near the windows on the east and west sides of the house. In summer, placing a fern on a non-glazed balcony and terrace will be an excellent solution - there it will feel great, and you will not notice how a real giant grows out of small roots, richly decorated with many shoots.
Watering, humidity and room temperature
As in the case of other ferns, tropical forests are considered the birthplace of nephrolepis, where the air is stably humid throughout the year. Accordingly, this flower will actively grow if your home will maintain a humidity level of 60-70%.
As for the number of waterings, this indicator directly depends on the temperature in the room and the period of the year. In summer, when the air warms up to 26 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to water the pot every day and make sure that the soil always remains moist. In winter, it will be necessary to moisten the soil no more than once every few days, since nephrolepis at this time is at rest and is gaining strength before the next flowering period.
Feeding and transplanting
During the entire period of the life of nephrolepis, it is recommended to make mineral fertilizers no more than once every couple of months. This fern does not tolerate a large amount of fertilizing too favorably, so professional gardeners recommend applying slightly less fertilizer to the soil than indicated on the package.
It is necessary to transplant a young plant until it reaches 3 years of age once a year, and then - not more often than once every several years. It is best to choose an elongated, but not too deep capacity, since the root system of nephrolepis has a unique shape and structure. The best period for transplantation is considered to be the time from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn.