Growing clivia

Clivia, unlike most decorative indoor plants, becomes an adornment of our house not only in the warm season. In winter, this flower can also please with abundant flowering, and in this article we will clarify how to properly care for clivia, creating the most comfortable conditions for it.
Choosing the right place in the house
Since clivia is growing all year round, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it constantly. Each grower should make top dressing in the soil, water abundantly and care for the flowerpot. But, first of all, a place should be provided for the pot in a well-lit room. Clivia is very fond of diffused sunlight, so in winter it will also be necessary to install additional light sources next to her.
The main flowering period of clivia begins with the advent of autumn, and not with the onset of spring. In the warm season, sometimes the container with the plant can be cleaned at partial shade, especially if suffocating summer heat reigns outside the window. In winter, the constant presence of light will favorably affect your pet.
The flower is very sensitive to drafts - any ingress of cold air will have a detrimental effect on this representative of the flora. Accordingly, while airing the premises in winter, it is better to transfer the flowerpot to another room.
Watering, temperature and humidity
Water the soil in a pot should be regularly, given the following rules:
- in hot time we water several times a day, but we do not allow stagnation of moisture;
- in winter, the amount of liquid introduced is halved;
- if the air temperature is below 14 degrees Celsius, you can completely forget about watering.
When the first buds appear, the amount of watering increases, as the plant begins to absorb liquid in colossal amounts. To do this, use settled water warmed to room temperature.
The leaves of the plant also need care - they should be wiped with a damp cloth at least once a week. Dust and dirt particles can block the pores through which the flower is saturated with liquid - this will slow down growth and can lead to drying of clivia.
As for air temperature, for clivia, various degrees of heating of the air should be maintained, depending on the period of the flower’s life. If the plant is blooming, then it is necessary to create an optimally warm atmosphere for it within 20-22 degrees of heat. At dormancy, when the plant is gaining strength before the next flowering period, the rate of air heating should be lowered to 15-16 degrees.
If the air is dried in your house, then you can not worry about a houseplant - clivia feels very comfortable, both in wet and dry air. Spraying leaves from the spray gun is also not necessary, but rare moisture will not affect the flower negatively - this will allow clivia to bloom more actively and constantly delight us with new shoots that are available for reproduction.