Growing Calathea

Calathea has a unique appearance, but to achieve its flowering is very difficult. The whole problem is to create specific climatic conditions, and in this material we will clarify how best to grow this plant at home.
Choosing the best place in the house
Not too experienced flower growers argue that calathea feels equally comfortable, both in a well-lit place and in partial shade. This opinion is erroneous - for the active flowering of this exotic representative of the flora, it will be necessary to provide him with constant access to solar ultraviolet. Of course, it is not recommended to allow direct rays to hit the flower, but the abundance of scattered light will allow the calate to develop rapidly and delight residents with a large number of leaves that have an original color.
In addition to the above, kalatea should be protected from sudden temperature drops and drafts. This question is especially relevant in the winter, and if you plan to ventilate the room, it is recommended to transfer the flowerpot with the plant to another room. However, in the summer, oxygen saturation will not hinder the flower, so it can be safely taken out onto the open terrace or balcony.
Temperature, humidity and watering
So that the leaves do not fade, it is necessary to provide the calathea with stable access to moisture. It will be necessary to moisten the soil in the flowerpot at least once a day, preventing the supersaturation of the root system with liquid or drying out of the earthy coma. For irrigation, it is best to use a settled liquid heated to room temperature (heating of water to 25-27 degrees is considered optimal).
As for the heating of the air in the room, the temperature should be maintained at a level of 20-22 degrees. In winter, to ensure a comfortable period of rest, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 14 degrees. The quantity of water procedures directly depends on this indicator, which are reduced to a minimum in winter and increase with the onset of spring.
The humidity level in the room is the most important parameter, since not every tenant florist can observe this indicator at the level of 80-90%. Of course, an ordinary person will not feel very comfortable in rooms with such humidity, so a frequent option for growing calathea is to place it in special greenhouses.
To solve the problem, you can use artificial sources of moisture - place containers with liquid near the kalatea and constantly moisten its leaves with a soft, damp cloth. Hard water from the tap cannot be used for these purposes, since a plant like this can get sick and die.