Grow gloxinia at home

The combination of a unique appearance and the unpretentiousness of gloxinia in the care determine its popularity among those who want to grow beautiful and not demanding flowers at home. This plant blooms for a long time, subject to certain rules of care, which we will talk about in the material presented.
Choosing the right place in the house
Gloxinia has the standard requirements for indoor location. The main condition here is the presence of solar ultraviolet light, but diffuse, not direct. In the second variant, burns quickly form on the leaves, and the buds themselves (if they have already blossomed) will fade and fall off. The east or south direction of the windows is the best choice for a flowerpot with gloxinia.
This plant is very thermophilic and very difficult to tolerate any hit of cool air. Especially carefully you should monitor the absence of drafts in the winter season, and in the summer you can afford to take the flower pot out onto the open balcony or terrace. The presence of fresh air favorably affects the growth of this representative of the flora, and you will not notice how new shoots appear on it.
Air temperature and humidity
Like other ornamental plants, gloxinia has two main periods of life throughout the year - the time of active flowering and peace. In summer, the indoor flower blossoms in all its glory while maintaining the indoor temperature within 18-20 degrees of heat. In winter, it is necessary to ensure that the thermometer does not fall below 10 degrees. With the onset of cold weather, gloxinia, so to speak, “falls asleep” and you can safely put it in the shade, since the plant ceases to absorb sunlight.
As for air humidity, here we need to take into account one important factor - gloxinia is bad for any moisture getting on leaves and buds. Accordingly, even in summer, air humidity should not be too high, and there is no need to spray it additionally from the spray gun.
How often to water
As mentioned above, moistening the leaves of gloxinia is not recommended, but this rule does not apply to the condition of the soil. As soon as the earthen lump dries up, it is necessary to add a certain amount of settled liquid. But an excess of water in the soil will be detrimental to a houseplant, so consider the presence of a claydite drainage layer in a pot to remove excess fluid.
In the hot season, you can water the flowerpot no more often than a couple of times a day (if there is unimaginable heat outside the window), and in winter the number of water procedures is reduced to a minimum. Ideally, use purified water from impurities, which is brought to a temperature slightly above room temperature.