Growing Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea came to us straight from South America - this flower can often be found in indoor plants, which make up beautiful winter gardens. The described representatives of the flora belong to the family of vines, and bougainvillea can turn into a real waterfall from long stems and beautiful buds. But flowering cannot be achieved without observing certain conditions in the care, which will be discussed in the presented material.
Air temperature and watering
Bougainvillea is undoubtedly a very thermophilic plant. A flowerpot with a flower must be placed where it will be constantly provided with diffused sunlight. In summer and spring, it is recommended that the flower be protected from direct sunlight or, at all, taken out to fresh air, or planted in flower beds. Fresh air will allow bougainvilleas to develop rapidly and delight us with charming flowering for 7-8 consecutive months.
If you plan to grow a plant at home, then you need to maintain a suitable air temperature in the room. In the hot season, the thermometer should not rise above 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter - not higher than 16 degrees. For a comfortable wintering, bougainvillea must be placed in a dark place where it can gain strength before the next flowering period.
As for watering, here you need to be very careful, since bougainvillea is equally negatively related to both the drying up of an earthen coma and the flood of soil with water. In summer and spring, the earth needs to be moistened immediately after the soil begins to dry. In winter, the amount of watering is halved. To moisturize, you should use a warm liquid, settled for a day.
Reproduction of bougainvillea can be done in spring or autumn - it all depends on your personal preferences. This process is performed by separating the cuttings from the main flower - individual elements should be placed in small pots, adding root formation stimulants to the soil. The fact is that cuttings take root in a new place for a very long time, so that extra help will not hurt them.
For successful rooting, you should maintain a warm atmosphere in the room (warm the air and soil to 25 degrees), providing a flowerpot with a lot of diffused light. Also, it will not be superfluous to constantly air the room (without getting cold air inside), moderate moistening of the soil with cuttings and spraying them from the spray at least once a day.
More experienced flower growers use bougainvillea techniques for airborne propagation. To do this, choose non-woody shoots on which several cuts are made. In these places, the flower is fixed with wire, after which you can safely grow this element as an independent plant.