Growing Azaleas

Azalea can often be found in places where there is a humid and mild climate. The plant blooms in small buds of bright raspberry color, while it is divided into three main types: early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering. This representative of the flora needs certain conditions in leaving, and now we will figure out how to properly grow azalea indoors and in household plots.
Lighting, watering and air temperature
Getting azaleas to bloom may not be easy, and the main condition here is a stable, regular watering. As soon as the earthen lump in the pot dries, a certain amount of liquid should be added. Water should not be too warm and must be defended, since the buds and leaves of azalea are susceptible to various diseases, if the liquid contains high levels of iron and other elements.
As for the lighting, it should be plentiful and scattered. It is best to place a flowerpot with azalea on window sills facing the east or west side of the house. Direct sunlight can leave burns on the leaves, which you can hardly get rid of.
If the air in the rooms is too dry, the flowering period of azaleas is significantly reduced. In some cases, the buds that have just opened may fall completely, so when the heating season begins, you should move the container with the flower away from places where batteries and radiators are installed.
In the matter of maintaining a suitable air temperature, one should be guided by the rule that azalea will feel comfortable at very low temperatures. In winter, in general, you can not worry too much about warming up the air, since the flower will bloom even at 10 degrees Celsius. In summer, the temperature should not rise above 20 degrees. If you grow azalea in living rooms, then placing a small ice cubes along the edge of the pot and watering the plants with melt water will be an excellent solution.
Azalea transplant
Once a year, a flower that has not reached adulthood should be transplanted. If the plant has already grown up to 2-3 years of age, then the transplant procedure is performed more often than once every 2-3 years. As a suitable container for transplantation, wide and flat pots are used, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous container.
Suitable primers for azaleas are special mixtures that are difficult to prepare on their own. Heather land is best suited with river sand added as a drainage layer. Such mixtures are sold in most flower shops, where you can purchase suitable fertilizers, after consulting with a specialist about other nuances in caring for room azalea.