Growing Allium

Allium or ornamental onion is a very common plant that we can use to decorate the infield or add it to your favorite dishes to give a piquant taste. It is very simple to grow this plant, and in this article we will tell you how to create the most comfortable conditions for allium.
Landing and care
The best time for planting allium in the soil is autumn - so this representative of the flora will be able to take root and gain strength before the flowering season. With the onset of spring and summer, we will see how the decorative bow will be painted with colorful paints and the first buds will appear on its stems.
As a rule, most often gardeners plant allium with whole bulbs, observing certain rules:
- Bulbs are placed in the soil at a depth equal to the diameter of two bulbs;
- Between plants there should be free space;
- It is strictly forbidden to pick leaves, they must fall off themselves during the budding process.
During the growing season, the allium practically does not need watering, so at this time the soil in the flowerbed with a flower can not be moistened. However, loosening the soil and applying fertilizing will not be superfluous, since the bulbs of an ornamental plant actively accumulate substances useful for its growth.
Other flowers can be planted next to the allium (for example, peonies, iris and geyhera) - the "neighbors" will be able to close its dying leaves, protecting the allium from solar ultraviolet radiation at a time when it is most vulnerable to it. In addition, such a solution will create a colorful garden that can decorate any external interior, making the picture on your site harmonious and complete.
Allium can be propagated in two ways: onions and seeds. When choosing the first option, the bulbs, separated from the main flower, are planted in the soil at a distance from each other. The best time for this procedure will be the moment when your flower is already 4 years old.
As for seed propagation, for this it is best to take the very first and largest seeds that are already ripe. If in the process you get flowers with less bright leaves and pale buds, then this is quite natural - mother flowers will always have more pronounced colors. In general, seed propagation can take much longer than bulb transplantation, so be prepared for new flowers to grow to acceptable sizes only after a few years.
The presence of allium in the composition of indoor flowers is not a very acceptable option, since it has a very pungent smell, which is very difficult to distinguish from onions or garlic. Yes, and creating the most comfortable conditions for him in the house is not so simple, so it’s best to plant the allium in the open air, decorating them with flower beds on a personal summer cottage.