Rules for growing afelander

Afelandra is a unique, inherently plant, which during the season can please us simultaneously with two flowering options: leafy and bud. The flower is a rare species of flora, but lovers of exotic plants will be guaranteed to find out how to properly care for it.
Choosing the best place in the house
It should immediately be clarified that the decorativeness of a flower directly depends on the illumination in the room. If you provide a pot with a plant with a sufficient amount of solar ultraviolet light, then fresh shoots will appear on the stems very quickly, blooming in the future into beautiful buds of bright yellow color. However, it is necessary to ensure that the afelander does not succumb to direct sunlight - they are harmful to her.
Even the weakest streams of cool air will have a negative effect on the afelander. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts in the room, especially in the winter season. It is best to place the flower pot where the temperature will be stable and warm.
Humidity and air temperature
The stunting and dumping of the leaves of Afelandra are vivid evidence that the air temperature set in the premises is not suitable for it. The flower negatively refers to both too low and high indicators, and the optimal value for heating the air for this fastidious plant will be to maintain the temperature at + 22- + 24 degrees Celsius. In winter, the air temperature should not fall below +15 degrees.
As for air humidity, here we will have to work hard, creating suitable conditions for the afelander. Humidity at the level of 50-70% for it will be optimal, but if there is not enough moisture in the air, you should install containers with water next to the flowerpot so that the plant receives enough fluid, regardless of the number of irrigation procedures.
How often to water
If afelander grows in your home, then you have no right to forget to water it. The saturation of the color of the leaves and stable flowering directly depends on the moisture content of the soil in the pot, so you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.
A drainage layer must be present in the flower pot so that the afelander can get rid of an excess of water. If you overdo it with watering that the roots of the flower will begin to rot, and returning to their original state will be very problematic.
Top dressing
Mineral fertilizers should be added to the pot with afelandra stably from March to October. Winter time is a dormant period when a plant gains strength before the next flowering season. As dressings, you can use the standard mixture for indoor plants, sold in the nearest flower shop.