Growing abutilon

Abutilon has leaves that resemble maple in shape. But unlike its analogue, which is very harmful for our body, our indoor fern is more beautiful, and growing it at home is associated exclusively with positive emotions. In this material we will analyze all the nuances in the care of abutilone.
Place in the house
In the warm season, when abutilon blooms and develops, it requires a huge amount of diffused sunlight. You can achieve its beautiful flowering in winter, it is enough to place artificial light sources in the house, aimed at the flowerpot and activated after sunset.
Also in the summer, it is allowed to keep a container with a flower in the fresh air. Open balconies, terraces and clubs are perfect for this, but you should protect the plant from direct sunlight. From their effects on the leaves of abutilon, burns will quickly appear, which is very difficult to get rid of in the future.
In winter, it is best to provide a indoor flower for a cool place where he can calmly survive this period and gain strength before the next flowering season. A small amount of blackout will not harm the abutilon, but, as mentioned above, the presence of additional light will allow it to bloom in the winter months.
Feeding and watering
The higher the temperature in the room, the more moisture the flower needs. In summer, it is optimal to water abutilon as soon as the earthen lump begins to dry out (on average, the soil is moistened once a day). In winter, it will be enough to apply the fluid once every 3-4 days.
During the period of active flowering, the plant needs a large number of mineral fertilizers. This representative of the flora is very voracious, so from March to September it is necessary to add additional minerals to the soil on average once a week. After wintering in a cool environment, you should additionally flavor the soil in a pot using classic mixes sold in the nearest flower shop.
Prevention of diseases and pests
Abutilon belongs to plants adored by spider mites. They appear, in most cases, due to too dry conditions in the house. Accordingly, maintaining an acceptable level of humidity (about 60%) will protect your indoor plant from the appearance of this pest.
As additional means of protection against the disease and the appearance of pests, it is recommended to spray Abutilon once every two weeks with Actellica and Fitoverma. "Aktara" will quickly remove the scale, and the classic systemic insecticides prevent the appearance of aphids and other pests that feed on plants grown in the fresh air.