Wedding bouquet of lilies

The lily flower has long been loved and revered by many peoples. His story is mysterious, as is himself. The Greeks and Romans believed in its divine origin from the milk of the beautiful Juno. The French endowed it with royal grandeur and placed it on the arms, emphasizing the high morality of the ruling monarchs. The ancient Jews believed that the paradise flower of a lily was not defiled and retained snow-white purity even during the fall of Eve.
Weaving this fragile and at the same time majestic flower into the bride’s bouquet is considered a manifestation of exquisite and delicate taste. To decorate wedding events with lilies, making up all kinds of compositions from them, means to wish the young family pure love, healthy offspring and respect for each other.
So say professionals
Florists claim that the lily was simply created to participate in the festive wedding ceremonies. This is the second, after the rose, flower in popularity, which the masters gladly include in their work, using inflorescences, cut flowers and petals for this.
However, you should take into account the features of lilies:
- a pleasant, but strong smell, which surrounds young people and guests in the fresh air with a light wave, can cause dizziness in the room. Either limit the number of colors in the compositions, or use odorless selection varieties;
- throwing off bright pollen, the flower is able to spoil the wedding dress or table setting. As a precaution, experts recommend removing stamens or decorating places of contact with napkins;
- considering that the lily flower has a large inflorescence, one should not use its excessive amount in the composition, shading the beauty with smaller flowers and details.
Florists of our online store professionally and with pleasure will make a wedding bouquet of lilies, taking into account all the characteristics of the flower and the wish of happiness to young people.
Bouquets of lilies - a sign of love and happy motherhood
The bride’s bouquet is usually woven with flowers of beautiful pastel shades that emphasize the tenderness of the wedding attire. In the composition for decorating the festive hall, lilies of more bold colors are added. The green leaves of peony, fern and asparagus create an exquisite backdrop for floral splendor.
Forms of compositions and combinations of plant species are very diverse. Here are just a few examples:
- A mono bouquet of white lilies with shortened stems will be chosen by a romantic girl with impeccable taste. You can decorate such a bouquet with a satin ribbon or pearl beads;
- The combination of lilies and roses in a wedding bouquet will create an atmosphere of tenderness and unforgettableness of this day;
- Lovely and slightly rustic gerberas accentuate the splendor of a lily. Such a bouquet looks very touching when collecting it in a semicircular shape;
- Unusual and modern bouquet in the shape of a ball. Flowers removed from the stems are collected on a floristic foam (oasis) in an elegant, small composition of spherical shape, decorated with beads or ribbons, and worn attached to the gown of a dress or clutch;
- Lilimelias are bouquets created using the new technology, in which, lily flowers sorted into petals, are glued together manually into one large bud. The new work, presented by florists, looks unusually beautiful.
According to legend, a lily flower can take away sadness from a house. It is enough for a spouse who has returned home in a bad mood to look at a young wife with a lily flower in her hair or on a belt, as his face clears up.
We wish happiness to young couples!