The most expensive plant varieties

Nature gives us a huge variety in the world of flora and fauna. Cultivating flowers at home is a favorite thing for every gardener, but there are some plant varieties in the world whose purchase is associated with significant financial expenses. And now we will talk about what are the most expensive flowers, the placement of which will cost us a very substantial amount.
The most expensive flowers for home
The list opens rose Pierre de Ronsan. This flower is very deservedly considered the brightest and most beautiful representative of plants, having a lush bud of pink color. Because of its unique appearance, this rose is called “paradise”, and for the first time it was brought out by a French florist and poet, after whom it was named.
Another expensive rose is considered a flower, called the Sweet Juliet. The plant was bred artificially by crossing several varieties by the English breeder David Austin. It is said that the Briton spent more than 15 million American dollars on his occupation, but the result was worth every cent spent. Each flower costs about $ 25, has unique apricot buds and an unsurpassed scent.
Medinilla won the love of gardening fans due to the fact that the plant causes genuine sympathy in almost every girl. A man will not be able to come up with a gift more original than this pretty flower of delicate pink color. The plant does not have the usual buds, and consists of many clusters. The cost of one branch of such a flower is estimated at between $ 50 and $ 150.
"Gold Kinabalu" - is one of the varieties of orchids, which in itself is considered an exotic flower. This beautiful representative of the flora grows only in one place - on Mount Kinabalu from March to May each year, but not everyone can afford to cut it off. The fact is that this orchid is included in the book of endangered plant species, and its value is estimated at 5 thousand US dollars.
The most demanding of growing conditions is another orchid, namely, the variety called Shenzhen Nongke. It blooms once every five years, and each florist believes that if he sees this flower at least once a year, then happiness and prosperity await him. The cultivation of this orchid took place in China, and the process took about 8 years. The orchid was recognized as the most expensive flower in the world after in 2005 at one auction for its purchase one richer paid more than 200,000 US dollars.
So, if you are going to grow exotic species of plants at home, then this list of the most expensive flowers in the world will help you decide on which sort of attention to stop. Of course, this information is useful only for the richest gardeners, but if you have a solid budget, these flowers will become a real decoration and highlight in the interior of any home.