Cleaning plants from dust

As a rule, most plants lose their attractive appearance after a certain period if they are not properly maintained. Watering alone may not be enough for this, so those who like to grow flowers at home have to wipe them, removing dust and debris from the leaves. But how to do it right, so as not to damage the foliar system?
How to remove dust from plants
To do this, you can use several different ways:
- spraying;
- wipe;
- flushing;
- the use of soft brushes;
- use of special steam cleaners.
The first option - nothing complicated, for spraying, you can use a classic spray. However, this method is not always enough, and spraying is usually used in combination with other methods of cleaning leaves from dust.
Wiping leaves occurs through the use of moistened rags made from soft tissues that cannot harm the foliar system. This procedure should be carried out not only from the outside, but from the inside of the leaves once every two weeks at least. Wiping is best suited for large, strong leaves, while still weak leaves can be damaged by the slightest physical impact.
Washing the leaves is great for such types of plants as rubber plants, dracaena, crassula, ferns. The procedure consists of placing flowers in the bathroom and further cleaning the leaves with a weak stream of warm water. After the event, it is best to let the moisture drain from the leaves, leaving the flower in the bathroom for an hour. Here it is important not to override the representative of the flora, as this can lead to a quick death of the plant.
Begonias, violets and gloxinia very difficult to tolerate a large abundance of moisture, so that their casting is best cleaned using soft brushes. Warm water with a small amount of soap is best for this. After cleaning, the plant is placed in a dark and well-heated room, where there are no drafts, until completely dry.
Modern steam cleaning equipment is not at the disposal of every amateur indoor plants. But the presence of such devices allows you to completely clean the leaves of the plant from any contamination. The steam cleaner should be placed at a distance of 40 centimeters away from the flower, and after the procedure it is recommended to additionally wipe the leaves with a dry cloth or a piece of soft cloth.
If the owners of apartments and private houses closely monitor the condition of domestic plants, flowers will be able to stand for much longer than in the absence of such care. Most plants have a very negative attitude to the presence of dust and small debris on their leaves, so wiping with soft rags and brushes will be the best solution for extending the life of the flora.