Order flowers for May 9 Victory Day

It is hard to imagine May 9 without a bouquet of red flowers. In honor of this holiday, at a flower sale in St. Petersburg with delivery, our salon provides significant discounts on spray roses and red carnations. Our florists in the flower salon with delivery in St. Petersburg can create a bouquet of roses or carnations corresponding to this significant day, adding to it the invariable attributes and symbols of Victory Day. The symbolism of festive flower arrangements By creating a bouquet of roses, red carnations or tulips, the florists of the salon, where you can order a cheap bouquet delivered in St. Petersburg by May 9, decorate the flower arrangements with St. George ribbons - symbols of victory over the Nazi occupiers. By the May holidays, spray roses, gerberas, tulips or carnations of scarlet color symbolizing blood shed during the war can be used as plants for compositions.
Classic flowers with flower delivery Victory Day delivery - bright red carnations. These plants are completely devoid of romance and all sorts of sentiments, so a bouquet of red carnations is considered the best gift for veterans on May 9. At the festive sale of flowers in St. Petersburg with delivery, you can order roses cheaply or a bouquet of red roses and arrange delivery to any address. The combination of plants in festive compositions When buying a bouquet for the Victory Day, flower salons with delivery in St. Petersburg offer not only cheap roses or carnations. On this holiday, you can move slightly away from the standard red color of the bouquet and experiment with combinations of shades in floral arrangements.
If you order a super bouquet in St. Petersburg with delivery of white and red flowers, then such a composition may look a little Soviet, but it will emphasize the solemnity of the festive moment. As elements of such a bouquet, you can use snow-white lilies, bright red carnations or roses.
To order flowers for May 9, you can ask the company's designers and florists to combine white and blue flowers in the composition. If you add twigs and large green leaves to such a bouquet, then such a composition will look solid, it will be appropriate for the May 9th holiday.
When ordering a composition for Victory Day at an online flower shop in St. Petersburg, you can choose a bouquet of orange or yellow flowers. Such a composition goes well with the wonderful weather that stands these days, it symbolizes the joy of Victory and the light of the Sun.