Drawing up bouquets to an engagement

Several rules of drawing up bouquet
So, the main thing that each man has to remember – the bouquet surely has to be big. Agree, donation of a standard rosette won't impress, and will disappoint the darling more likely, it is not idle time put. It is better if the groom is spent slightly more, but will issue magnificent composition for darling, and it not necessarily has to consist of the most expensive grades. The size of a bouquet displays the power of your love, and it as well as possible is expressed in volume of a festive bouquet.
Drawing up composition of white colors or plants of pastel tones will become excellent option. Such compositions always displayed all the best that is in the person: love, devotion, respect, tenderness.
Habitual roses which can be combined easily with plants of other grades in absolutely improbable styles will become a sure bet also. Of course, if the darling of a rose hates, then it is worth refusing such decision, but, as a rule, most of girls never wish to enjoy their fine aroma. It is also possible to pay attention to creation not of simple bouquets from roses, and any intricate figures – after such gift the bride will understand that her promised not just loves her, and will please with some amusing and non-standard surprises.
What bouquets can't be given
The engagement happens in life of each person only one or several times (depending on the capacity of love and devotion) so by such day it is necessary to be prepared thoroughly. Here the bride shouldn't give several recommendations of what bouquets:
- Usual bouquets which the man presents to darling in usual day (for example, tulips, carnations, narcissuses, chrysanthemums and so on);
- Flowers in pots (the ridiculous and strange choice, but sometimes happens also it);
- Yellow flowers (it is only allowed to dilute slightly with yellow tones the general flower composition);
- Thoughtless, small bouquet.
If the groom isn't a professional florist, then so responsible occupation as drawing up a bouquet for an engagement should be charged to the profile expert. Rather difficult independently to define acceptable percent of occurrence of different plant varieties and to issue all this properly. It will be ideal if the groom is aware of personal preferences of the girl in relation to flowers – her favourite plants issued competently and qualitatively will best of all present you as careful and attentive person.