Drawing up a bouquet by a harvest holiday

As it is correct to make a bouquet, celebrating assembly of a harvest
It is possible to notice that the nature gifts which are accurately spread out in a vase or a basket already look charmingly. And what to tell if we try to plan future composition at the professional level, combining in it absolutely unimaginable pictures from simple, but attractive elements?Vegetables, fruit, newly-baked bread or cones of wheat become the main components of such bouquets. They can be combined not only among themselves, but also to dilute with greens - parsley, fennel and a sorrel will look in such combination very harmoniously and attractively.
If to be engaged in design of a bouquet more profoundly, then it is possible to cut out unique patterns and figures from simple products. For example, pieces of fresh cucumbers and yellow carrots can unite in the compositions having appearance of simple flowers with the dismissed buds. It is possible to add several red peppercorns which with the contrast color it is emphasized the importance of an event to them.
For those who like to show a creative maximum it is possible to involve melons and watermelons. The firm peel of these large vegetables and fruit can become a suitable cloth for cutting amazing pictures. On an external surface it is possible to represent anything, having added other elements to composition: apples, pears, currant and so on. Believe, similar "still life" will become "the central guest" on any holiday table, and your guests steadily will admire so original registration of an interior.
For decoration of a personal plot it is also possible to make suitable "bouquet", using wooden barrels as "flowerpot". Such capacities since ancient times were present at each Russian yard, and it is possible to place in them practically any amount of ingredients. Pumpkins, vegetable marrows and a set of greens – here that can be used for design of a similar masterpiece.
In general, the holiday of a harvest is an ancient Russian holiday which is still celebrated in villages and farms in various corners of our country. This day it is accepted to enjoy life and to thank the nature for generous gifts which we will eat within the current year. And drawing up interior compositions of make-shifts with use of vegetables and fruit will become excellent display of human joy!