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Today we will consider a flower like a gerbera. Initially, it was distributed in South Africa, Australia and the Far East. Gerbera became famous in the 19th century thanks to the Scotsman Robert Jamston, who found a flower in the South African province of Transvaal. At first they were called the “Transvaal daisies" and only later were sent to Europe under the name Germest Gerber. By the beginning of the twentieth century, 70 species of gerberas were known to have spread in Western Europe. The difficulty in creating new species was that the flower was susceptible to viruses and the cultivation of ornamental species often ended in its death. Despite the fact that this problem was solved in the middle of the twentieth century, the flower never received a strong distribution in Eastern Europe, because for its cultivation it is necessary to observe a careful temperature regime, which in a temperate climate is possible only in greenhouses. In our online store you can buy a mix of gerberas, which you can please your soulmate. Using the delivery, you will receive a bouquet as soon as possible.
