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Florist Techniques

Florist Techniques

Floristics is an extensive science that is constantly evolving. New styles and techniques appear in it, and in this article we will tell you how bouquets can be made that have a different appearance and purpose.

What are the floristic techniques

Spiral technique is one of the most common techniques that allows you to achieve a unique visual effect. The compilation of such bouquets involves the use of a different number of flowers, which will contain, so to speak, one main plant. Around it in a circle are other flowers, fixed in the general composition at an angle of inclination. The more plants, the greater the final angle of inclination. The stems at the end are securely fastened with a strong cord or ribbon.
The advantage of this bouquet is its lifespan - the composition installed in the vase will last much longer, since each plant receives enough fluid through the slices. Yes, and the appearance of such a bouquet will delight even the most demanding representatives of the beautiful half of humanity - it is always nice to receive an unusual gift that will highlight your sweetheart among her other friends.
Mixed technique is a bouquet-making technique that combines both live and taped plants. More than half of the flowers in the composition, compiled by a mixed technique, are preserved in their original form, and approximately 30% of the flowers are cut from the stems and planted on the wire. This approach is used when it is necessary to compose complex bouquets that should have non-standard outlines.
The taping technique is used, as a rule, in the preparation of wedding bouquets. The bride should have a neat and not too heavy bouquet in her hands, as it will take a long time to hold it. Each flower in a teiped bouquet is cut from the stem and mounted on a wire. Previously, a cotton wool moistened with vinegar is placed between the bud and the wire, after which each element is folded into one big picture. Of course, this method does not allow for a long time to maintain an attractive appearance of plants, but the lightness and plasticity of this option is indispensable for various holidays and organizations of a solemn interior decoration.
Perhaps the most complex technique in all of floristry is glamelia compilation. This approach allows you to make one bouquet so that it looks like one single flower. Most often, rose petals are used for this, and glue or hairpins can be used as a bonding material.
